MSPnet Academy
The MSPnet Academy is a series of Webinars from leaders in the MSP community and beyond on topics that address STEM teaching and learning, policy, and professional development. Each Webinar will be followed with a two-week online discussion with the presenter. Webinars will be recorded and archived on the site.

Professional Development for K-8 Mathematics Educators - Views on Content Knowledge/MKT and Mathematical Modeling from Two MSP Projects
Presenters: April Strom and Rachel Levy
Date: October 13, 2017 at 1pm Eastern
Presenters: April Strom and Rachel Levy
Date: October 13, 2017 at 1pm Eastern

Challenges in the CS classroom: Perspectives from students with learning and attention disorders
Presenters: Sarah Wille and Amy Cassata
Date: March 1, 2018
Presenters: Sarah Wille and Amy Cassata
Date: March 1, 2018

How to Design 3D Formative Assessments for NGSS
Presenters: William Penuel and Philip Bell
Description: Penuel and Bell, from the Research+Practice Collaboratory, will present and illustrate applications of two tools for integrating science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts into assessments for classroom use.
Presenters: William Penuel and Philip Bell
Description: Penuel and Bell, from the Research+Practice Collaboratory, will present and illustrate applications of two tools for integrating science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts into assessments for classroom use.

District & School Implementation of NGSS Through Curriculum Adaptation & Development
Presenters: Philip Bell and Kerri Wingert
Description: Bell and Wingert, from the Research+Practice Collaboratory, will share ideas, lessons learned, and resources from design partnerships that have been implementing the new vision for K-12 science education
Presenters: Philip Bell and Kerri Wingert
Description: Bell and Wingert, from the Research+Practice Collaboratory, will share ideas, lessons learned, and resources from design partnerships that have been implementing the new vision for K-12 science education