This project is a three-year partnership between the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and two discipline-based organizations, the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC/PTEC, an effort of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers) and the American Chemical Society. The project vision is the creation of a large and enduring national network of colleges and universities that have successfully negotiated difficult institutional constraints to establish strong, effective, and well-sustained high school teacher preparation programs in science and mathematics - programs that respond successfully to the need for accomplished science and mathematics teachers in their states and throughout the country. The Principal Investigator is Howard Gobstein, and the Co-PIs are Charles Coble and Jennifer Presley.
Project Contributions
Seeking Consensus on Quality Science-Math Teacher Preparation
"In 2008, APLU launched its Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative (SMTI), the goal of which is to increase the quantity and quality of secondary science and mathematics teachers. To better…
"In 2008, APLU launched its Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative (SMTI), the goal of which is to increase the quantity and quality of secondary science and mathematics teachers. To better…
Spring 2010 TLC team leaders survey
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . The Spring 2010 TLC Team Leaders' Survey provides a synthesis of results from a survey designed to collect data about STEM teacher preparation initiatives among campuses that are part of…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . The Spring 2010 TLC Team Leaders' Survey provides a synthesis of results from a survey designed to collect data about STEM teacher preparation initiatives among campuses that are part of…
Promoting institutional change to strengthen science & mathematics teacher preparation: An analysis of outcomes for 25 participating institutions (Working Paper)
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science and Mathematics Teacher Preparation provides an analysis of the final reports from 23 of the 25 institutions in the TLC. For their final reports,…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science and Mathematics Teacher Preparation provides an analysis of the final reports from 23 of the 25 institutions in the TLC. For their final reports,…
Final grant evaluation report & case studies of four institutions' APLU-supported advancements in science and mathematics teacher preparation
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . This document is a final report on data from the external evaluation of The Leadership Collaborative (TLC). The TLC was a project during 2008-2012 by the Association of Public and…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . This document is a final report on data from the external evaluation of The Leadership Collaborative (TLC). The TLC was a project during 2008-2012 by the Association of Public and…
History of APS involvement in education
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . As part of the partnership with the American Physical Society (APS), APLU contracted with the disciplinary society to document how and why APS became involved in physics education reform as…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . As part of the partnership with the American Physical Society (APS), APLU contracted with the disciplinary society to document how and why APS became involved in physics education reform as…
Engaging STEM faculty while attending to professional realities: An exploration of successful postsecondary STEM education reform at five SMTI institutions
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Engaging STEM Faculty while Attending to Professional Realities examines how to effectively involve STEM faculty and instructors in reform initiatives.
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Engaging STEM Faculty while Attending to Professional Realities examines how to effectively involve STEM faculty and instructors in reform initiatives.
Ten key questions university leaders should ask about quality mathematics and science teacher preparation: Implementation strategies from the Analytic Framework
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Ten Key Questions University Leaders Should Ask about Quality Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation provides university leaders with a framework to quickly assess the teacher preparation programs on their campuses…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Ten Key Questions University Leaders Should Ask about Quality Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation provides university leaders with a framework to quickly assess the teacher preparation programs on their campuses…
The Analytic Framework: Assessing innovation and quality design in science and mathematics teacher preparation, v8.16.12
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . The AF is intended to be a useful tool in creating and achieving greater program coherence - and providing greater assurance that program completers will possess sufficient knowledge and skills…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . The AF is intended to be a useful tool in creating and achieving greater program coherence - and providing greater assurance that program completers will possess sufficient knowledge and skills…
Improving postsecondary STEM education: Strategies for successful collaboration and brokering across disciplinary paradigms
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Improving Postsecondary STEM Education describes factors that influence the success of collaborations involving STEM and Education faculty at research universities.
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Improving Postsecondary STEM Education describes factors that influence the success of collaborations involving STEM and Education faculty at research universities.
Final report on NSF MSP/RETA "Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science Teacher Preparation" Grant #0831950
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Final Report on NSF MSP/RETA "Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science Teacher Preparation" Grant #0831950 is the summative report for this NSF-funded project. The purpose of the grant was to…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Final Report on NSF MSP/RETA "Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science Teacher Preparation" Grant #0831950 is the summative report for this NSF-funded project. The purpose of the grant was to…
Report of the leadership collaborative retreat
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . This report summarizes the sessions and discussions at The Leadership Collaborative (TLC) Retreat held on January 6-8, 2010. Change in Higher Education was the main theme at this meeting. Ann…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . This report summarizes the sessions and discussions at The Leadership Collaborative (TLC) Retreat held on January 6-8, 2010. Change in Higher Education was the main theme at this meeting. Ann…
The common core state standards and teacher preparation: The role of higher education
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . The Common Core State Standards and Teacher Preparation: The Role of Higher Education is a discussion paper that highlights three areas where universities have a key role to play in…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . The Common Core State Standards and Teacher Preparation: The Role of Higher Education is a discussion paper that highlights three areas where universities have a key role to play in…
Seeking consensus on the essential attributes of quality mathematics and science teacher preparation programs
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Seeking Consensus on the Essential Attributes of Quality Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation Programs covers four main themes: Entry and Exit Requirements, Clinical Preparation, Knowing and Teaching Disciplinary Content, and…
Posted by: Katherine Hazelrigg . Seeking Consensus on the Essential Attributes of Quality Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation Programs covers four main themes: Entry and Exit Requirements, Clinical Preparation, Knowing and Teaching Disciplinary Content, and…
Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science Teacher Preparation
Posted by: Kacy Redd . Twenty-six institutions are partnering with APLU as part of The Leadership Collaborative (TLC). This effort is based on the theory of action that institutional change depends both on top leadership…
Posted by: Kacy Redd . Twenty-six institutions are partnering with APLU as part of The Leadership Collaborative (TLC). This effort is based on the theory of action that institutional change depends both on top leadership…
Change in Higher Education at the TLC Retreat in Miami, FL
Posted by: Kacy Redd . Change in Higher Education was the main topic of discussion at the second national meeting of The Leadership Collaborative (TLC) held on Jan. 6-8, 2010. Ann Austin, a national expert, stressed the importance of finding leaders…
Posted by: Kacy Redd . Change in Higher Education was the main topic of discussion at the second national meeting of The Leadership Collaborative (TLC) held on Jan. 6-8, 2010. Ann Austin, a national expert, stressed the importance of finding leaders…
Featured Paper Session: Faculty Rewards and Structures for STEM Teacher Preparation
The Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science Teacher Preparation project is a collaboration among 26 public research universities (The Leadership Collaborative (TLC)) that seeks to understand the conditions that promote…
The Promoting Institutional Change to Strengthen Science Teacher Preparation project is a collaboration among 26 public research universities (The Leadership Collaborative (TLC)) that seeks to understand the conditions that promote…
Faculty Rewards and Structures for STEM Teacher Preparation
This paper addresses the following claim(s): "Within the narrower focus of one aspect of environmental change, we hypothesize that there are some structures of disciplinary-education faculty appointment that are more…
This paper addresses the following claim(s): "Within the narrower focus of one aspect of environmental change, we hypothesize that there are some structures of disciplinary-education faculty appointment that are more…